• Death was hereditary. You got it from your ancestors. Terry Pratchett

Other Blogs

  • Someday I Will Be Doing Research Again
    Until that point apparently I will just pop in once a year or so and remind people that it is the Opet season, a time when we show civic support for our broader communities here at Peaceful Awakenings’ Take On Kemetic Social Values. If anyone wants to join me, The Emboatening Crew on Kiva is […]
  • Opet Again
    Just popping in to remind everyone that with the Opet season upon us again, the Emboatening Crew is still rolling to support Kiva loans. (My office renovations are going well if slowly, so who knows if that means I’ll get more work done when they’re done.)
  • CowOfGold Moving
    An update on my previous post: Cow of Gold will have a new home here when the maintainer has a chance to put up the site again (with some revisions, apparently).
  • Hills of the Horizon: The Past is Another Country
    The problem with extrapolation from history is that nothing is testable. The evolution of a religion over time is not a predictable and easily comprehensible thing, where we can look at a point in time and say, "It was like this then, so it would be like that now." The process of deciding what needs […]

About The Witch Hat

A while back I got started collecting enamel pins, which of course left me with the urgent question of what one does with enamel pins once one is collecting them, and then I got to doing a bit of magical work around it, and, anyway, this is a hat that I wear out comparatively frequently, on those occasions when I go out. It is The Witch Hat.

The Witch Hat is a wacky bit of manifestation magic, working on myself, the world, and people who stare at the Witch Hat because WTF that hat. As of this writing it is mostly complete mostly because I am nearly out of space to put more pins on it. (I have a few more tentatively planned, but the core pins are definitely in place.)

The Witch Hat - Front

Front of Hat

World Changer is from Radical Dreams.

Adorable Set is from Mamath.

Adorable Heru is from Mamath.

Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free is from Radical Dreams.

Space Bread is from Alum and Ink.

Solidarity Rose is from MikaylaButchart.

Black Lives Matter (top right, on the edge of frame) is from Radical Dreams.

I Lift My Lamp Beside the Golden Door (center right, edge of frame) is from Paola’s Pixels but appears to be no longer available, alas.

El Pueblo Unido, Jamás Será Vencido (bottom right) is from The Best Signs.

The Witch Hat: Right View

Right Side of Hat

Ostrich feather is from an ostrich. Dua ma’at.

Adorable Hetharu is from Mamath.

Kind is from Penzey’s Spices.

Adorable Sekhmet is from Mamath.

Adorable Khnum is from, you guessed it, Mamath. There was a Kickstarter, man. I am not made of stone.

Perfecting the Art of the Black Heart is from The Silver Spider.

Be Brave – Live is also from The Silver Spider.

The beautiful Bee at the bottom is from Stephanie Pui-Mun Law who has a number of other pins available.

Bee With Lamp, Stag With Lamp, and Koi With Lamp are by Eveen Kwan.

The Witch Hat - Back

Back Side of Hat

Rainbow Bennu is from Mamath.

Writing Pin (Wizard) is from Paola’s Pixels.

Witch Hat with Flowers is from Maya Kern.

Genderqueer Star Trek is from Nerdy Keppie, which is currently low on stock so I can’t do direct links.

Healer is from Paola’s Pixels.

Khepri is from Mamath.

Alchemist is from Paola’s Pixels.

Genderqueer Lotus is from Nerdy Keppie.

The Witch Hat - Left Side

Left Side of Hat

There is No Planet B is from PUNimpressed.

Defense Against The Dark Arts is by Atomic Pixies.

Protect Children, Not Guns is from The Best Signs.

Candle in the Dark is another Maya Kern but not currently available.

Adorable Taweret is Mamath again.

White Lotus Tile is from The Nerdy Vinyl.

Detect Evil is from Paola’s Pixels but no longer available as of this writing.

Adorable Snow Leopard was designed by Anastasia “Balaa” Korochansckaja and Foxfeather Zenkova and can be found at the latter website.

The Lammergeier on top of the hat is exclusive to the Kickstarter I got it from, I’m afraid.

Bleeding Art is by A Series of Steps.

UU Pride Chalice is by Nerdy Keppie.

Queer/Trans Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations is also by Nerdy Keppie.

Kintsugi Cup is by A Series of Steps.